I had some thoughts about Reservoir Dogs.

It is said to be filmed with an extremely low budget.

What I want to know is, all of these famous actors who play in it (Roth, Madsen, Keitel, Buscemi, Penn, Tierney, etc.), were they famous before then?

What's so great about the movie is the combined factor of the low budget and the cool dialogue. I mean, it's so realistic. At first, you think, gee bad acting. Especially the scene where Chris Penn just walked into the garage for the first time, and Harvey Keitel is arguing with Michael Madsen. When Penn comes in they all talk at the same moment. In regular movies, that would be baaaad...very baad. Then Keitel starts applauding cynically for Madsen, who starts laughing, taking bows and applauding for himself. This was done so....I mean. Again, you think "bad acting" "stupid joke", but it's so real. That's how it would be in real life, someone wrongly laughing and taking the stupid bows etc.

of course the low-budget aspect helps making it so real. The non-steady shots, the non-Hollywood-sets (real locations, I guess...) it's great.

hey I won't even go on the screenplay, the dialogues...

humor, action, satire, drama, crime, blood everything is in it (and the guys ear lookes very real)