great one Don Mikey...

In comes Dr.Jules Segal!

SEGAL: Where's Lucy?

LUCY (crying at the broken tv): TONY.....

MICHAEL: She's hysterical.

FREDO comes downstairs with a big smile:

MICHAEL: What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully

FREDO: First of all, you should have let me marry Kay when you were away. I wanted a family of my own.

SEGAL: Lucy, my darling. (looking at Deanna): Whow mama, who are you (Apollonia enters the room): JESUS what am I in heaven?

FREDO: No, it's way better up there.

SENZA MAMA ACTRESS: Mr Segal, I heared you're a doctor who can make miracles?

SEGAL: yeah that's right...I've impregnated my girl Lucy with a rotten kid who looks like his father...

IN COMES VINCENT MANCINI, dressed as a cop, riding a horse, shooting at the tits of Segal.

He dies but gets himself fixed with another miracle.

SENZA MAMA ACTRESS: wow, I'm convinced doc. I was wondering if you could get me a child too. and some cooking skills.

MAMA CORLEONE: hey, I'll do all the cooking here.

CLEMENZA; what about my spaghetti?

ROTH: what about my oranges?

GENCO: what about my olive oil?

CONNIE: what about my cannolies?

DON ATLOBELLO: yeah what about Connie's cannolies?

MRS.CLEMENZA: yeah Peter, what about my cannolies? you said you'd take 'em.

FREDO leaves Barzini's old body.

IN COMES TATTAGLIA, naked, sitting on Barzini's body.

MICHAEL: Tattaglia's a pimp

MAMA CORLEONE: Michael, what I'd tell you about calling people names?

FREDO (to Michael): you big mouth you

MAMA CORLEONE: shut up, gipsyhead

MAMA ANDOLINI: stop it, he is stupid

MAMA CORLEONE: shut the hell up, drag queen

(mama Corleone's taking out a tommy-gun)

GREENE, who was building a small time casino in the garden of the Big Brother house, hears the noises inside the house, goes in, but can't see anything: Where are my glasses?

ROTH, BARZINI & tATTATAGLIA (all at once): why does she have a tommy-gun?


OUTSIDE THE HOUSE, Grace Hamilton reports for CNN (Coppola News Network): "Today, the Big Brother project has a tragic ending with the deaths of all contestors, except for two: miss Corleone and the ghost of her son, who couldn't be killed because he was a ghost. yet, the viewer ratings were among the highest in tv history"

I think I'll stop now, I have no idea where this is going.

Off course, Don Mikey, they are all reincarnated the next moring.....