(For those who haven't figured it out yet, there isn't much going on at the old university tonight...)


MAMA CORLEONE. (Tries to hug Fredo, but he's a ghost so it doesn't work so well) Fredo!

FREDO. Mama!

MICHAEL. Oh please...

APOLLONIA. (Stands and shoves Mama Corleone out of the way) Get away from him! He's mine! All mine! I must have him!

LUCY & DEANNA. (Giggle hysterically)


APOLLONIA. Be quiet you! Why didn't you tell me you had such a sexy brother? Oh Fredo... Make love to me!

FREDO. Uh... as much as I would love to... I don't have an actual body... so...

HYMAN. (Coming downstairs with Barzini and Greene) You could just take someone else's body.

FREDO. Hmm... I never thought about that. Who should I possess?

GREENE. Michael!


FREDO. (Walks over to Michael) Hmm... it's not working.

NERI. Of course not! How can your soul replace his if he doesn't have one to begin with?

HYMAN. Curses! Foiled again!


FREDO. Maybe I should possess Barzini. No one would miss him anyway. (Fredo's ghost disapears and Barzini's body morphs into Fredo's) Okay Apollonia, let's do it! (They run upstairs!)

MICHAEL. (Collapses on the sofa)

NERI. Boss!

MICHAEL. Someone shoot me now!

HYMAN. Damn! I don't have a gun!

DEANNA. Oh... it's not so bad.

MICHAEL. (Pulls out the bottle of pills again, but, sadly, it's empty) Damnation! (He throws the bottle at the TV, breaking the TV)

LUCY. My show!

MICHAEL. Apollonia... why?

MAMA ANDOLINI. Don't be so hard on Apollonia. She's young and stupid.

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington