Thanks for all the positive feedback everybody! grin
*Later that night...*

MICHAEL. (He opens the door to his bedroom. A giant axe falls from the cieling and nearly slices him in half.) A giant axe. How original. (He takes another handful of pills.)

NERI. You know, boss, those things really can't be all that good for you.

OTHER BODYGUARD. Yeah, there was an article in the newspaper the other day that says those things can cause diabetes and paranoia.

MICHAEL. Shut up! I need them! I have MAJOR STESS!

HYMAN. (Pokes his head out of his own bedroom.) Dammit, it didn't work. Back to the old drawing board guys.

GREENE. I've had enough plotting for one night. Besides, we're out of cannolis.

HYMAN. Dammit Barzini! Did you eat all the cannolis again?

BARZINI. There's one left. You can have it, Mr. Roth.

HYMAN. (Roth takes the cannoli and breaks it in half, reminiscent of when he asked for a smaller piece of cake.) We will have our revenge, Corleone! (He goes back in his bedroom and shuts the door.)

MICHAEL. (Goes back downstairs with his bodyguards and finds Lucy, Deanna, and Apollonia watching TV) What are you watching?

LUCY. It's my favorite show, The Sopranos.

MICHAEL. God, I hate real life dramas.

MAMA ANDOLINI. (From the kitchen) Don't insult Lucy's choice of TV shows, she's young and stupid.

DEANNA. (She has a black eye and is missing a few teeth from her fight with Lucy. She turns to Michael.) So, evil, sinister, and emotionless, what are you doing tonight?

MICHAEL. Please Deanna... you were married to... Fredo.

(Suddenly there is a giant poof of smoke and the Ghost of Fredo appears! Apollonia takes on look at Fredo and gets hit by the thunderbolt.)

APOLLONIA. Oh... Fredo... blush Now that is a MAN!

MAMA CORLEONE. (Comes out of the kitchen and sees the ghost) Oh, Fredo, my darling Fredo! Where have you been?

FREDO. (Points at Michael) He killed me!

MAMA CORLEONE. (Wacks Michael in the head with a frying pan.) Michael, what did I tell you about having your brother killed?!

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington