Originally posted by PastaPunk:
LOL good one Don Mikey!

Next Morning:

BARZINI: *opens bathroom door on a naked Moe Green* Ah! *sheilds eyes* What are you doing? *suddenly falls down the stairs*

MOE GREEN: I'm shaving the patch of hair that grows on my back!

SONNY CORLEONE: *materializes* Do me next! *rips shirt off*


MAMA CORLEONE: Santino... don't interfere.

MAMA ANDOLINI: Don't shave his back, he's young and stoopid.

DEANNA: What day is it?

APOLLONIA: Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, just another manic Monday.

I never saw Big Brother. Was it like the Real World?
Pasta Punk,Texas is my favorite State in the country! You are another reason for my liking!
I will explain BB to you: six guys and six gals are chosen from thousands of people. They had to live in the house for 100 days(in Mexico, I did not see the American one, were 106 days) Each week, the guys had to nominate two or three of their partners. Then, the next week, the people had to choose one of them to go out.
There were four winners. The last one out of the house won like a million dollars. The only things they could bring to the house were clothes, water and one book.

I was thinking: who would you thing would be take out first? Who would win? Who would fight? What book they'll bring! confused .I hope this will be useful to you, Pasta girl wink

Giorgio Luigi Gambino.