Shows you how thoughtless I can be _ I never really thought about the illogicality of Michael handing power over to Vincent until your post but now that you've mentioned it - yeah, pretty stoopid thing to do. After all, there are bound to be other capos out there awaiting their turn in power and now Don Nobody takes over ?

Methinks Don Voncenzo would probably not last long in power, what with his short temper, lack of common sense and subtelty.

Much mirth can be gained from all those people who keep intoning throughout the movie that " Mary's smart she knows what she's doing ". Oh yeah, smart enough to catch a bullet sqaure on when everyone else gets nary a nick.

Come to think of it, what sort of top assassin misses his target from a distance of six feet with TWO shots ?

Unless, of course, he hit the right target ?

Which really does raise questions about Cousin Vinnie's motives and actions ...

Warmest regards
