Definately Michael with his two bodyguards (Neri and the one who gets killed in Cuba) along with Barzini, Moe Greene, and Hyman Roth. He would need the bodyguards to protect him from Barzini, Greene, and Roth... Three against one just wouldn't be fair.

As for women, I would pick Apollonia, Mama Corleone, Mama Andolini, Lucy Mancini, Deanna Dunn, and the actress in play Vito went to in Part II.

Here, imagine them all living in the same house...
* * *
Breakfast Time in the Godfather/Big Brother house:

MICHAEL. When will this stupid reality show be over so I can go back to ruling the criminal underworld? I can't handle all this stress. (He pulls a bottle of pills out of his pocket and swallows a handful of them with some coffee.)

HYMAN. (He's sitting at the table with Moe and Barzini. They all lean in, Hyman pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and shows it to them.) Since they won't let us have actual weapons, we will have to improvise. (On the paper is a diagram of an obscenely complicated booby-trap.) You guys help me set this up and we'll all get our revenge at the same time!

GREENE. After we kill him we'll take his money and I'll use my share to built a statue of me in Vegas!

DEANNA & LUCY. How much longer do we have to stay in this stupid house together?

DEANNA. I hope I'm voted out next.

LUCY. No, I gotta get voted out next! Dr. Jules is waiting for me in Florida!

DEANNA. What! You know Jules? He's cheating on me with YOU! (They start fighting.)

MAMA ANDOLINI. (Noticing Hyman's booby-trap diagram) Don't kill poor Michael. He's young and stupid.


MAMA CORLEONE. (Serving breakfast) I hope you all like my cooking.

MAMA ANDOLINI. Your cooking is terrible! Why did my Vito marry you? I always said, "Vito, marry a woman who can cook."

MAMA CORLEONE. No one insults my cooking!

BARZINI. (Looks over at Apollonia and gets hit by 'the thunderbolt') Now that is one HOT mama! After we kill Don Corleone, I want her!

MICHAEL. You can't kill me if I kill you first! (He pulls the gun he used to shoot McClusky and Sollozzo in Part I out of his pocket.)

ACTRESS. (Sits there looking frightened)

GREENE. How come HE gets a gun?

MAMA CORLEONE. Michael! Put that thing down! No guns at the table!
See... wouldn't that be fun?

Sorry that was a long post. (Pherdy, you inspired me with your post on Ideas for Part IV!)

By the way, good first topic Giorgio!

"Be discreet in all things, and so render it unnecessary to be mysterious about any." - Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington