when i watch the ending of the godfather part 3 it saddens. why? because when i hear that cry mike lets out, and then when it shows him dancing with the three women he loved most and lost, it always hits me that he was ment for something different. i mean, obvious to anyone who has seen the trilogy, all of the pain he suffered would have been avoided had he not gone to the hospital late in gf1. and when he dies alone i see a broken down old man, alone. with no one by his side to comfort him, the way don vito had his grandchild in the movie, and in the book he had mike by his side. i cant help but feel for the character of mike. and the whole time he was just trying to protect his family. i know this is just a random post, but i mean i just wanted to share my thoughts. and i hope that anyone else can post here and describe how they felt the first time the saw the whole trilogy. how they felt when they saw mike falling to the floor and dying alone. when they realised that his life should have been totally different.

now i realise that had he made different choices there would be not gf2. so remember everything i write is hypothetical.

"strange things happen all the time, and so it goes and so it goes. and the book says, 'we may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us'" - MAGNOLIA