Originally posted by Snake:
I suppose everyone's tastes are different, M.F.M. As we say down South, "one man's crap is another man's treasure." I've got all 5 X-Files sets (seasons 1-5) on DVD...so, roughly about half a grand investment. For some, that's a waste of money, but for me (my ol' lady's a big fan too), it's well worth the money. And, like I said, it may suit some folks to just see each Sopranos episode only once (or even not at all), and that's cool, too. But personally (i.e., speaking only for me ), I think such box sets have tons of replay value IF the particular show is your thing.
Right on Snake. I love the X-files as well as the Sopranos. I have Seasons 1-5 and Fight the Future on dvd. The X-files sets are $99 when they first come out. It seems a bit much but they have 6-7 discs with 20-24 episodes and a TON of bonus material. Each set has a 30 minute special about that season with a ton of other stuff. Well worth it. I have Sopranos 1 and 2 and I'm dying to get Season 3.

P.S. I live in Tennessee too, Chattanooga to be exact. Maybe it's a TN thing.

Go rent/buy Boondock Saints now on DVD~great mob action