Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
[quote]Originally posted by annt:
[b]I assume the DVD is for purchase and not to rent right??? I don't have a DVD, and usually wait for it to come out on video and rent it. But that takes almost a year. Any idea when it will be released for rental? Either on DVD or video?
I believe that season 2 hit the Blockbuster shelves pretty soon after the DVDs were released in the stores. But the date given in the specs is for the DVD release.

While we're on the subject of VHS vs. DVD, I would strongly suggest purchasing a DVD player as soon as it is financially possible. DVD is so much better than VHS (just like how CDs were better than cassettes), and in a few years VHS tapes will virtually disappear from the shelves, just like how cassetes are nearly impossible to find these days at the music store.[/b][/quote]Seriously, I feel sorry for people that are missing out on the wonders of dvd.

Go rent/buy Boondock Saints now on DVD~great mob action