Thanks Snake! Don't let the last name fool you, I'm actually Irish. I have this documentary on the Mafia called "Mafia: History of the mob in America" and that particular story was mentioned by a Mafia historian, and he said that is was perpatrated by a member of the Black Hand, which if I'm not mistaken was the Italians. The guy in the barrel was a member of the White Hand I believe. This is where I got my info, eddietheplumber. But I guess neither group is really more ruthless than the other, just certain people. That Coonan fellow sounds particularly nasty fellow. By the way, I have actually been meaning to pick The Westies up, but I can't find it at my library.

"You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone."
- Al Capone (1899-1947)