I purchased this DVD the other day. The film is brillant with a very strong performance from Robert DeNiro, and was also the first film to bring together the talents of DeNiro and one Martin Scorsese. While the film was great, the DVD was a travesty! The picture, sound etc was diabolical for a DVD, and the worst thing was the amount of extras. We say Goodfellas is bad with only trailers, notes and biographies, but ALL this has is a photo gallery! Thats all! maybe they have that so you can actuall see the shots properly instead of in the film ones?

Michael Corleone - if anything in this world is certain, if history has tought us anything, its that you can kill anyone.

I don't want to see trend people respecting me, I want them to HATE and FEAR - Euronymous aka Oysten Aarseth RIP

Chuck Schuldiner - RIP