Snatch is an absolutely excellent film. You talk about great performances by De Niro and Pacino, but the performance of Alan Ford as Bricktop is up there with any of them. Both he and Pesci in Goodfellas are unbelievably good. So funny yet you know both of them are evil bastards. Although I will never get used to Vinnie Jones as an actor, although he is better at acting than he was at football.

"When I throw a dog a bone I don't expect to know how good it tastes, you walk in front of me again and I'll cut your fucking Jacobs off!"

For those who are not fluent in Cockney, Jacobs means Jacobs Crackers- Knackers, which are your testicles. Beautiful illustrated.

Cicci, a porta.

Could you get me off the hook Tom? For old times sake?