I posted on this topic several months ago when the news first hit and I was very excited to see a movie made about Irish and Italian gangs in the 1800's and delighted it was being made by Scorcese. I had read excerpts from the book and I am very interested.

However, I am very concerned about the casting... I am very unimpressed with DeCRAPio (whose best films were probably Basketball Diaries and What's Eating Gilbert Grape, when he was younger - anything after that....ick!)and also Cameron Diaz. Daniel Day Lewis will probably be pretty good, but Robert DeNiro was considered for his part and when that didnt work out, they considered Willem Dafoe (two FINE actors in my opinion). Liam Neeson will probably be good as well.

I hope they don't scrap this movie either, I will watch it but I seriously doubt it will turn out to be anything grand.

We can talk about it after it comes out!!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....