Originally posted by Don Andolini:
I'm waiting until they make a proper DVD of it as I've been told that there are no extras on the DVD out at the moment. Incidentally, it's really irritating me how films keep getting released without extras, only to be released later as a "special Edition" with added extras. It's a cynical marketing ploy.

The GoodFellas DVD is pretty crappy. No special features, not anamorphic, not great sound, and it's a flipper (a disc you have to flip over halfway through the movie).

In this case, I don't think it was a "cynical marketing ploy" by the studios. It's just that GoodFellas was a first generation DVD released around 1997 back when dual layer DVDs hadn't been developed, which meant that there simply wasn't room for special features or for extra audio tracks.

DVDs have since improved where you can fit so much more on one side of a disc, so they can cram on DTS tracks and director commentaries and short documentaries and things like that. I'm more happy that the studios are (allegedly) working on a better DVD to appease the fans of this great movie than upset that I will have to buy another copy of a movie I already own (known as "double-dipping" in DVD jargon).