Originally posted by Don Andolini:
Typical, it seems every time I buy a movie they show it on TV a week or two later. The same thing happened when I bought "Leon" (titled "The Professional" in the US). :rolleyes:
I know the same thing happens to me. THough it's usually i'll RENT movies, and they'll be on 2 days later. I asked my library if they had the Godfather Novel, they said no. I went out an dbought the novel, next day, i go to library to pick up Gf3, they RECOMMEND i read the book, and hand me the hardcover The Godfather fom 1969. I thoguht "you bastards, i was here yesterday, and you'd never ehard of it, and now i find out you had it for 30 years!" But the paperback 30th addition is awesome, and it was only 7.99, so it's all good.

Leon, or "The Professional" whatever its referred to is an awesome movie.