Its for a B-TEC (ND) in Media Production... I thoguht that it was mainly all gonna be on film studies and film production etc, but we only have one lesson (an hour) of film studies after we've watched a film, and just don't do anything! Arrrhgh! We do make small video productions though... Any Brit's might be familiar with the BBC Video Nation programme. Its just a short, about 2-3 mins, on something thats special to people... So I did mine on my fave film...

The poster assignment above is for Key Skills Communication, so since we are doing a media course, this was a fitting key skills assignment... Although I would have liked to have done it on The Godfather, what would I talk about? "Um, yeah, well theres the black background and the white lettering, an thats about it"...


"If you win you win. If you lose you still win. Theres no way you can lose." Joey - Raging Bull