I loved the film, but it definately isn't up there with the likes of The Godfather Trilogy, Casino or Goodfellas... Don't get me wrong, I love it, but theres something not quite right about it, you know...

It borrows far too much from Goodfellas and Casino in terms of writing E.g. Near the beginning, Lefty and some of the others are talking about cars, and the coversation goes a little something like this "Its got more class, more power, more speed, better mile-age, er, more power urr" "You already said that" "What?" "More Power" "I already said that?" "Yeah" "Oh" Now, i've no doubt that gangsters talk like that, but please, this is right out of Goodfellas, with speach going on ten times longer than it has to...

Also, the writer seems to think that the audience isn't very intelligent, and makes points far too obviously like: "Wiseguys don't carry money around in wallets" etc... Everything was just too damn obvious! Give the audience something to think about! Also who's bright idea was it to have Michael (B-Movie) Madsen in the film?! I mean OMG!!!!! Oh yeah, how many times was the word 'wiseguy' used?! It's like, OK, we know that you are gansters, don't blirt it out every 5 mins, some cops gonna hear you...


"If you win you win. If you lose you still win. Theres no way you can lose." Joey - Raging Bull