Originally posted by mr. soprano:
i had read somewhere that someone had bought the rights to make the movie of the family. does anyone know if that's still on? and who may be directing or acting in it?

i'd love to see ffc or scorcese try their hand at it.
Hi Mr. Soprano!
Yeah I looked up the rights for an adaptation of The Family right after I read it, because I think it'd make a brilliant movie. Apparently the script for it was bought in 2002 and filming started with Ewan McGregor as Cesare, Christina Ricci as Lucrezia, and John Malkovitch and Jean Reno appearing too. To be directed by Neil Jordan. The film would be called 'Borgia' and as far as I can tell it got to the shooting stage, but then nothing's been heard since. I don't think they wrapped shooting on it, and there's been no recent news of a release. Hmmm...?

Senator, we are both part of the same hypocrisy