
Turi is the name that the actual Giuliano went by (as you probably know), that is what he was known as. It was not made up by Puzo or what he "chose" to call him.

Puzo's book is not so fictional where you can not decipher who the story is about. He did not employ allusions as he did in the GF novel where we could guess but not substantiate his allusions.

As for the spelling of the surname, Puzo spells his last name "Guiliano" thus giving a pronunciation of "Gwiliano" as opposed to the proper "Jooliano". I doubt its' purpose was for fictional purposes, he didn't fool anybody.I'd be inclined to agree with Ms. Gino if he would have changed the name to say Calo Sciacca, that would be fictitious.

Anyway, it is obvious that you and I both feel profoundly about Turi. Pick up the book written by his sister Marianna Giuliano, "My Brother Salvatore Giuliano- The True Story". It is filled with photos,poems, and letters, as well as containing a close account of his life. I loved Puzo's book, but I am skeptical about Ms. Gino's explanation that one letter would change anything. That's a conversation that obviously I can't win!

Like the heart of a lion (Corleone) the warrior dies alone.