Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
I'm still waiting for mine. I pre-ordered it from Amazon.co.uk. I hope i'm not kept waiting for too long. I ordered it seperately to the DVD Godfather collection so they better not send it with that.

Yep Liz its hardback. I don't think the paperback copy will be released for maybe about 6 months. I think thast what usually happens.

Hi Turi and Liz,
Paperback books usually come out one year from the time of Harback publication. I hear that the book is high on Amazon's list of best sellers and I haven't even gotten mine yet because they're being careful about how many they're sending to each store. They're guarding it like gold. But I heard from the editor that it's selling well....So here's hoping. Wondering what Mario's thinking right now...