[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sonny:
[QB]"It happened in a single moment.
Their lives were changed.
Their souls shaken.
And then, when they were most vulnerable, their hearts opened
to the miraculous....Then an Angel Came..."

Quite a very "devastatingly-powerful" introduction...Wow.

I do believe in pre-set destinies, but I was never a fan of dramatic books (no offence), do you think I'd enjoy "Then An Angel Came"??

God only knows Sonny, whether you'll "enjoy" it. I think it's not the kind of book you like or not...it's the kind of book that changes you. You have to have courage to read it. I'm sure you'll like the whole Italian Family thing...my father was the Patriarch, and Mario said he respected him more than anyone!! But there is a baby who died, and a real angel who appeared. And a few heroes. It's a true story, so it might be scarier than one I made up. It's about all the possibilities in life and it depends on how safe you feel about an unlimited life. I can promise you, if you do read it, you'll be changed by it.