Originally posted by Ricardo:
I spoke to soon...as i continued reading..Passatempo is his best friend who was killed in Giulianos presence. Who are Don Croce Malo & Benjamino Malo based on?

If Giuliano was helped by the American Mafia, wed assume it would be the Corleones...which i believe Puzo represents the Five Families as a whole. So according to Puzo -The New York Five Families aided the Sicilian Mafia in transporting Salvatore Giuliano to America?-

What was Aspanu imprisoned for? What happened to the allies of Giuliano & Sicilian Mafia after the death of Giuliano?
Don Croce Malo was based on the ruthless Calegero Vizzini. Benjamino Malo was probably created for dramatic reasons.

The fact is, Giuliano was more interested in gaining political refuge in America rather than sneak over there with the Mafias protection. He actually hoped that Sicily would become (at the time) the 49th State of America. After that plan faded he tried to get to America with only limited help. I can't remember the actual American Mafia being involved.

Aspanu actually admited killing Giuliano, was arrested and actually died in prison of poisening.

I truly recommend if you want the full version to purchase the book King of the Mountain by Billy J Chandler.

So die all who betray Giuliano