In the book, The Godfather, Don Corleone bullies union members. He believes that monopoly is efficient. He wreacks havoc any business that's in competition with his and he ruthlessly deals with those who cross him as casually as a child would squash an ant. So let's face it, Don Corleone is a degenerate slime of the first class.

Since he seem to have no regard for the law or for values, why do we all love him so much?

I think that Puzo makes us love him and his family with several strokes of genius. From the first 3 pages of the novel, he introduces Bonasera to us and other people who are in serious trouble and need to go to the great Don for help. From then on we automaticly think of Don Corleone as a modern day Zorro or Robin Hood. And we are fascinated by the imply power of the Don when he camly tells his godson that he would get what he want.

Then later in the book Puzo shows us that Don Corleone has limits even in his illegal activities: He would not deal drugs under any circumstance. Then the only favor he asks Bonasera in return is, him, Bonasera, fixing his dead son so he would look good for his mother. These little details can only make us love a man even if he's a criminal.

What do you think? What were the tricks used by Puzo that made you love his characters or even dream about being a Don?