Originally posted by Don Alessandro:
DO you guys think Omerta will be an Oscar winner?

Miramax just BOUGHT the book, and we're alreay wondering wheter the movie will be an oscar winner. Let's Hope it's NOT a Made for Tv movie.

The Last Don would ahv been great if it wasn't aimed to be TV acceptable.

Sicilian movie Differed a lot from the book. Turi who was the little kid? A replacement for Stefan Andolini?

Was the name Malo copyrighted too, as were Clemenza, Corleone, Tommasino, and Andolini? You'd think Massino would ahve been copyrgihted by somebody else too.

I hope this goes by the book. It's weird when the change it. UNLESS it's for the better.

Sicilian's changes WEREN'T for teh better, sorry Turi.