Originally posted by QueenAssassin:
I finally finished reading it! It's a good book. I guess you really have to get into it to enjoy it. Some parts of the book lagged a bit, but all in all it was a good book. The ending could've been a little better though.

Slight Spoiler.

I get what you mean here and I too think the ending could be better. But I really do like the ending. Very clever. I doubt people could get away with that over here though. Law on self defense here is pathetic. Basically if you defend yourself you'll end up getting a worse sentance/fine than the attacker. I feel I should have the right to kill someone in my own home if they have broken and entered my property. Just like most states (as far as i know) in the US can.
I think in some states you can even shoot someone whilst your in your car if someone looks threatening to you. Damnit, why don't we have those laws. I'd be banged up for years if I killed someone on my property. Theres even been a huge case about this subject recently. I can't remember his name but a farmer shot and killed someone whilst they broke into his home. They were running away and he gets a heavy sentance for protecting himself and his home. I think just recently the sentance was shortened to manslaughter and theres less time in the can for him. This is a subject that really annoys me. Mang, i'm never gonna get chance to use my sword properly.......

So die all who betray Giuliano