Stefan Andolini also refered to as Fra Diavalo throughout the book. Now its been a long time since I read the book. But i've just been skimming over a few pages and so far i've found....

Liz_85 is exactly right with that quote and does keep refering to Michael as cousin Michael.

Ok heres another bit....

' Stefan Andolini reached over to caress Michael's shoulder and said, "It does my heart good to see you my dear cousin." '

That doesn't tell much. He might say cousin for affectionate purposes but he follows this up with....

' "Did you know the Guiliano's are related to us" '

I think we've just got to judge for ourselves for now untill someone reads the book again and takes a few notes. I'd be more than happy to do that and I really want to read it again but I've got new things waiting in line first.

Oh by the way I don't want to add more confusion with the Guiliano's being related to the Andolini's. In the book it says Michael doesn't believe this and knows they just worked with Vito in America where Salvatore was conceived.

So die all who betray Giuliano