Originally posted by Liz Skywalker:
actually, they weren't related at all, according to the book (although this part confused me). His "father" was related to the corleones but his momma had cheated with the abbot... ?:

So it wouldn't be unfair to conclude that because Stefano's Mom's legal husband being related to the Corleones, he decided to punish his wife and the abbott (who's in tight with the Mafia), and Antonio Andolini gave him support...Therefore, when the Mafia stepped in to protect the Abbott, Vito's father refused to budge, and was killed....

Well, I just made that up, so don't take it seriously.....but still, good plot, won't you think?

"..Your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword.."

"...now you gotta speak more than one language to pull a heist..." Pudge Nichols

"...Never shall innocent blood be shed; yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The THREE shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeaful striking hammer of God..."