I think I fall into the "If it ain't broke..." category for most things in life - to be honest, change intimidates me...

I was a bit shocked in my initial reaction, simply because I'm so used to the current set-up, and it's hard for me to imagine it any other way. But when it comes to web design, I think I'd trust JG over myself.

Random thoughts...

- I like that the search allows you to specify a date range of both "newer than" AND "older than." I think this would be helpful when you know that the thread/post you're looking for was much older - narrows it down a bit.

- I like that we'll be allowed to save more PMs - as I just mentioned to you, JG, I'm a packrat, and I'll love getting to save more. My question regarding PMs, as I'm looking through mine...are they no longer separated by incoming and sent? I guess this is given by the "last post" feature, right? Also, is the feature showing whether or not the recipient has read the PM still available?

- The recent posts shown for each person is 200 compared to 50 here, is that right? I like that!

Anyway, I'm still looking around, but I figured I'd get my 2 cents in. The only thing I worry about is getting used to the new design...but it looks like there's a lot of nice, new stuff! Thanks for working so hard on this.