Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Given the anonymity of the internet, it is far easier to bare your soul and exchange the truth. In person, that's not always easy to do.
I've found this to be so very true for me, and I think it's part of why I love it here. Around my close-knit group of family and friends in "real life," I'm quite outgoing and friendly, but I can be very shy around those I don't know as well. The anonymity of this site has helped me to toss that aside, and instead, open up to others, sharing many of my thoughts, feelings, and ideas easily.

I think some of us are a little confused along with being very sad about Plaw. I sometimes wonder why or how I'm crying about the loss of someone I've never met, but to me, this just proves the possibility of a virtual friendship. So many of us have never met Plaw, never heard his voice, seen his smile, felt his touch, yet we love him as if he were a real friend. I'm sure we would've all loved to have met him if it were possible, but simply reading his thoughts and feelings day in and day out was enough to make him someone special in our lives. For that, I am very thankful.