MacGuffins are simply plot devices. It doesn't matter what's in the cases. Besides, if QT had been foolish enough to reveal the contents of that briefcase, it would have cheapened the mysterious significance of the briefcase. Frakenheimer knew better as well with RONIN.

Then again, does it matter if all plot lines are actually explained to make sure that even the wheelchair-piloting people in the audience do understand it? Its like BATMAN BEGINS. Why does Christian Bale talk like a British Clint Eastwood as Bats? Use your imagination, or think shit out.

Or a major complaint I heard about Michael Mann's MIAMI VICE from this summer. Who is the mole within the FBI that the film hinges on? We never learn, and it never did matter if we learned who it was. Again, if Mann had been amateurish enough to uncloak the mole, he would risk himself of being a Michael Bay or Joel Schumacher(either of which would have made a lame "plot twist reveal" of who the mole was :rolleyes: )