Well, my fiancé died four years ago. I was in complete shock for months although it wasn't unexpected, because he was terminally ill of colon cancer and we all knew he couldn't live long. Yet, when he died, when I realized those green eyes were not to look at me any longer, that smile was not to be turned on again, that voice was not to greet me ( "ciao micionaaaa!!!!!!"), never again, well....it was agony. I remember I spent many many nights with tears in my eyes, asking God "why?" and praying "please, let him contact me somehow". That went on for about one year. Then, one day, I felt more comfortable. Not because mourning was over. But because I stopped asking why. From that moment on I began feeling him close to me again. And he never left me since. I'm looking at his pic on my office desk just now, while writing this, and we share a smile. I know he's by my side. I'm not angry anymore. I'm grateful because I had such a wonderful person in my life. This is just another way to have him in my life. Feeling him inside my heart. Of course sometimes I crave for his touch. But it's just a moment.
And of course I'm sure we'll meet again someday.

I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell the truth. I tell what ought to be truth (Blanche/A streetcar named desire)