Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Hello Ice -

Hope this post finds you well.

Your concerns are logical and not without merit and are very clear to the real truth seekers in all corners of the world.

Unfortunately the Middle East may be bled dry for Terrorists if it does not change it's course of INaction, so will their blood along that of their children - as it's already been and continues to be.

There's just no simpler way of stating it: Much of the Middle East has been in a steady, steep decline since the attacks of September 11th, and fanatisim, extremism and jihadism has been pushed down the youth's throats by fanatical extremists, in anti-western speaches, and much
of Arabic media.

The extremist fanatical culprits have and will be found, and have and will be made to pay - as they usually are. They have a long history of becoming increasingly greedier for world domination, and being discovered. One older than Muhammed, their tribesman.

My deepest sympathies for all those good and GOD loving middle eastern people who don't deserve to pay for the actions of those who are allowed to continue to set up terrorist cells, recruit, occupy and in some cases even rule some of those middle eastern countries.

Don Cardi
I hope your lack of personality, and 'ingenuity' serve you well in real life.