Originally posted by klydon1:
[quote]Originally posted by dontomasso:
[b] [QUOTE]
The real bad actors in that region are the Saudis who have as brutal a regime as anyone, but who enjoy our good will because of their oil. We need to bring heat on them to cough up money to shore up our efforts there before we go broke trying to save these people from themselves.
The Saudis, while satisfied that Saddam is removed, would not overtly support a democratic Iraq. The Saudi royal family probably sees democracy as a direct threat to their present authority. They wouldn't want it to spread into their country, and as such they would not want to sink a fortune into democrat [/b][/quote]this saudi 'thing' is pretty messed up.

i saw the mike moore movie like everyone else and yes the bushes shook a lot of saudi hands and saw a lot of saudi camel toe, but 'this is business not personal sonny' ....and if the hyman roth/micheal corleone relationship holds true the best shooting is yet to come.


(put the women and children to sleep you hawks you, its time to go huntin')

Send Neri to move this thread out. I think it is done for now.