Originally posted by DonVitoCorleone:
Religions are just ideas, theories, and morals, backed up by allegorical fairy tales.
Fairy tales? Human perceptions of things like life, the world, humans, specific people; yes. That ain't no fairy tales.

Originally posted by Don Rico:
Maybe if YOU occupied your single functioning sports-dominated brain cell with thoughts and ideas that actually matter, which are relevant to these dangerously sinister subjects... Which mean something important--
And which clearly affect this entire world which is in desperate peril...

But... NAH.

Instead, you just go ahead right on believing whatever you are told by your corporate masters...
Most of all... Make sure you continue mindlessly sucking down major-league tribal-based corporate-sponsored SPORTS propaganda...
After all-- Gotta keep them massess mindless or else... THEY MIGHT START THINKIN'!!!
If not... Then MAYBE YOU might could form an actual, objective, non-FOX-News-based opinion about what is REALLY going on in the world!
THEN maybe we could engage in a spirited and lively constructive debate!!!
Aw... Whaddahell am I sayin' over here.
Nevermind. Just go ahead and inevitably, predictably tell me to shut up and die.
And these are your own ideas?
What party do you vote for, if I may ask?

Originally posted by Ice:
they had 'gonnections' across europe and into the middle east and northern africa that the romans and their german barbarian inheritors simply did not have.
Romans had no gonnections?

Originally posted by Ice:
the hatred of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND(who sets the interest rate) or the banking system in general leads to a distaste in capitalism and leads to a communist state of mind.
A majority of people in the West seem to like the capitalist system and do not really like communism. A majority of people doesn't even know what the IMF is, btw.

Originally posted by Ice:
im a communist myself and am willing to sell my car to help feed the poor, BUT I LEAVE THE JEWS OUT OF IT!!!

A communist state, but not for the Jews?

Not only are you a racist, but you're also one of the lousiest commies I've ever seen.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.