Originally posted by afsaneh77:
It is no myth that the US and British media is sponsored by Zionists. They actually own the significant portion of the media and as the result they reflect the news as they please. The system is also tamper proof, so if a third party reflects some news that is unpleasant to them, they fall into anti-semite, anti-Jewish and terrorist loving category instantly.
This from the same person, who only last week, accused me of GENERALIZING when speaking of Muslims!

THEM? Isn't that generalizing? Or is that different than using the word THEY?

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
The system is also tamper proof, so if a third party reflects some news that is unpleasant to them, they fall into anti-semite, anti-Jewish and terrorist loving category instantly.
Didn't you do the same thing to me?
When I reflected some news that was unpleasant to somone like you, about the Muslim world, you basically threw me into the anti-muslim category!

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
as I said long ago, the war in Iraq is being fought for the sake of Israel.
Oh, I guess that the old "this war in Iraq is being fought for oil" story is worn out and ineffective now.

But being that you brought this up, let me give you a little more insight as to what a part of the strategy in fighting this war in Iraq is also about. It is being fought in the hopes of democratizing that region of the world so that democracy will spread into other countries in that region. Hopefully it will spread into places like Iran, and rid Iran of a government and an extremist leader who continually supports terrorism, threatens the people of Israel, and isolates the good people of Iran from the rest of the world.

Hopefully the results of this war in Iraq will give the Iraqi people the opportunity to finally live in a democracy, and at the same time be an example to the rest of that region, showing that religious democracy, cultural democracy, and democracy in general can and will work.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.