Originally posted by Don Rico:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] [quote] If YOU are fearless enough to do--As I have done-- And scratch JUST A LITTLE below the surface
Watching CNN doesn't count as actual 'research' or 'scratching below the surface.'

[/quote]Forget CNN. I don't believe their hog-wash either.

Now forgive me for what I am about to say because it will get a bit harsh.

And Double-J, DO NOT forget that I DO RESPECT you VERY much.

OK? So here goes:

Maybe if YOU occupied your single functioning sports-dominated brain cell with thoughts and ideas that actually matter, which are relevant to these dangerously sinister subjects... Which mean something important--
And which clearly affect this entire world which is in desperate peril...

But... NAH.

Instead, you just go ahead right on believing whatever you are told by your corporate masters...

Most of all... Make sure you continue mindlessly sucking down major-league tribal-based corporate-sponsored SPORTS propaganda...

After all-- Gotta keep them massess mindless or else... THEY MIGHT START THINKIN'!!!

If not... Then MAYBE YOU might could form an actual, objective, non-FOX-News-based opinion about what is REALLY going on in the world!

THEN maybe we could engage in a spirited and lively constructive debate!!!

Aw... Whaddahell am I sayin' over here.

Nevermind. Just go ahead and inevitably, predictably tell me to shut up and die. [/b][/quote]What the hell?

You're right. I just blindly follow everything I'm told. You have shown me the light.

Now let's go kill us some Jews!

Wahte powar! Wahte powar!


THEN maybe we could engage in a spirited and lively constructive debate!!!
If I believed everything you said, there would be no point for debate. We'd just be going around, throwing clubs and having bumsex while our cave wives watched.

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
The system is also tamper proof, so if a third party reflects some news that is unpleasant to them, they fall into anti-semite, anti-Jewish and terrorist loving category instantly.
Never mind the fact that some of those things ARE anti-semite, anti-Jewish, and terrorist loving... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by afsaneh77:
But from what I understood, this was most of the American's wish, and their way making an ally in the Middle East, and as I said long ago, the war in Iraq is being fought for the sake of Israel.
I thought it was for oil? Or to kill Muslim innocents? Or what?

Personally, I think that the Middle East is lucky to have America...Israel would've nuked half that place already if it wasn't for us holding her back.

Either way, I'm quite amused by this thread. Please continue.

I love to be told by people who don't know what they are talking about that I don't know what I'm talking about when its painstakingly clear they are the ones who don't know what they are talking about.

"The Jew is using the Black as muscle against the White,"