Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Your 'theory' has a major flaw in it.

[quote]Zionist pigs who CONTROL almost every single facet of what we Americans are told and led to believe as true...

...JEWISH-controlled media which controls our foreign policy, and spoon-feeds us slanted "news" and downright lies...Has this entire (U.S.A.) nation under its' control.

But the awful truth IS that the so-called "Zionist Jewish" elite really DO have all of us FLAT OUT FUCKED with their propaganda and LIES...
ESPECIALLY how they lie and say that 9-11 was all President Clinton's fault...
Not true. The past 4 elections themselves disprove your theory that the Jews 'control' this country and the media and that they claim that 9/11 was Clinton's fault.

If anythng the Jewish faction has basically supported the democrats and President Clinton throughout the years. A study of American Jewish voting habits over the past 50 years shows that some 55 to 60 percent of the Jewish electorate pick Democrats almost automatically, while only 10 percent pick Republicans.

In 1992 the Jewish voters of this country overwelmingly rejected President George Bush Senior and he only received 10% of the jewish vote. The majority threw their support to Bill Clinton.

In 1996, President Clinton took 78 percent of the Jewish vote, with Bob Dole only managed 16 percent of the jewish for the Republicans.

In the 2000 Presidential elections 79 percent of American Jews voted for Al Gore, while only 19 percent voted for President Bush.

And even after 9/11, 3 years later in the 2004 elections, President Bush received only 22% of the Jewish vote.

Don Cardi
[/quote]ahhh don cardi, its nice to have a good consig like yourself who checks out the 'facts' and delivers stone cold statistics. we have had our differences in the past(b/c i am a hot head)but u truly are the consigs of consigs.

now....everyone plz read these 3 points....

1. the jewish-israel state that we know today was of course set in motion by the nazi state of adolf hitler. they exported all the wealthy jews from europe that wanted to go, and the rest....well you know the holocaust, etc

2. in roman times (100-300a.c) the jews became the banking cartel that they are now b/c they were innovators in this banking technology that is so common place now, and more importantly b/c they had 'gonnections' across europe and into the middle east and northern africa that the romans and their german barbarian inheritors simply did not have. in time they were outcast by the common man who did not share in their knowledge and that outcast still exists in the present time.

so.......the hatred of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND(who sets the interest rate) or the banking system in general leads to a distaste in capitalism and leads to a communist state of mind. im a communist myself and am willing to sell my car to help feed the poor, BUT I LEAVE THE JEWS OUT OF IT!!! we are all slaves to this INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND/GLOBALIST BANKING STUCTURE that helps us maintain our current state of living while leaving out so many of the unfortunate.