First off, let me say that I was saddened to hear that PL has been in bad health. Although he drives me crazy with his anal retentive stats in the fantasy sports game, I still like the old codger. I am really glad to hear he is home and hopefully he feels better today than yesterday and in turn better than the day before that.

However, reading through this thread ….. With all the people professing their ‘love’ and PL is the greatest writer in the world, and is a mentor and father figure blah blah blah – gee it makes me sick ….. All that mushy stuff is not going to make Statman feel better. No that will just make him roll his eyes – what you need to make someone feel better is to talk about something that they love talking about. And although I do not profess to be best friends with PL, there was a time when I was known as his ‘honey from Phila’, PL you remember those days right. So that got me thinking – what is it that PL loves more than anything – what is it that he loves to talk about for hours on end – what is it that puts the lions in his loins …. And than it occurred me – what he loves to talk about the most is – himself. :p

So in an effort to cheer PL up, to brighten his spirits some, below are a few talking points about well - PL. To start you cannot and I repeat CANNOT have a discussion of PL and his passion without discussing the infamous Mopsey and Flopsey story. A story which by now has taken on mythic proportions and one that some of you know and for those that don’t you should look it up. I would do it but I'm much too lazy to go and find PL’s ramblings – opps I mean description of that special night. Besides knowing Pork he probably deleted that with all the other deletions I hear he made. So below – the picture that started the Mopsey and Flopsey saga ….

Secondly we have the time I posted on an event that went unnoticed by many of you – but not that long ago when PLAW was voted as Time magazine’s Sexiest Man of the Year.

And finally – to get some attention from the ladies – who can resist the below …. Taken from Halloween a few years ago, c’mon ladies you have to admit you want to pinch his cheeks and paddle his bum.

Hopefully this brief walk down memory lane all revolving around PL will cheer him up some.

Seriously I do wish you well in what you are going through and for what it is worth I will also say a prayer. Whether you believe they do any good - I'll still say one.