Hi Everyone....

I'll go out on a long limb of presumptuousness here and assume that there are at least a few people who are interested in an update on my condition.

I'll spare you guys the gory details and just say that mentally, some depression aside, I'm about as well as can be expected under the circumstances - those circumstances being the condition of a man who needs some sort of help or assistance in the performance of even the simplest of daily physical tasks.

Obviously, the prognosis isn't great either, but I do expect to hang in there (again) for at least a while now after what, quite frankly, has been a brush with death.

Interesting, BTW, for those of you interested in death and dying (and who isn't?)....

At the moment at which I felt death to be imminent, while I didn't welcome it I didn't "run" from it or fear it either.

On the other hand, now that I'm back home and seemingly ready to live at least a little while longer, once again, like most people, I find myself pushing the idea of dying as far into one of the corner recesses of my mind as possible.


Thanks to everyone for all of the kind words and thoughts and wishes - they truly do mean a lot to me.

I always get a laugh when people are taken to task because they should "get a life", or because they spend too much time on the internet.

The friends I've made here - those who I've had the pleasure of meeting in person as well as those I haven't - mean every bit as much to me as any friends that anyone could make under any other set of circumstances imaginable.

"Difficult....not impossible"