I didn't see the CNN stuff today, but I did watch some of the coverage on MSNBC, who re-ran their original broadcast from 8:50 a.m. on 9/11/01 until about 12:00 pm.

There was one thing that occured which simply floored me and I had NEVER heard about this before today. To put it into the proper context, I was at work on 9/11 when my phone rang. It was my Mom, saying that 2 planes had hit the Trade Center. She remarked that she didn't understand why American pilots would fly their planes into the buildings. With zero knowledge of the events, I responded that it had to have been a hijacking. So I saw nothing on tv or the internet until some co-workers and I walked to a student lounge and watched the South tower fall on live television. Shortly thereafter, our mayor called the president of our university and ordered our evacuation because there was a rumor of a bomb on a plane at Cleveland's main airport. Unfortunately, the airport was less than 3 miles from my home. Thankfully, this turned out to be a false rumor.

Anyway, I am watching the coverage replay today and Matt Lauer made a comment to the effect of "Is it me, or are the Towers leaning to one side?" They debated it a little bit more among Couric, Lauer & Brokaw. Of all the footage I had ever seen, not once had this been discussed. But I swear both Towers were off-center and leaning at least 10 minutes after the South Tower was struck. I certainly have heard stories about how the building swayed back and forth after the initial impact. This was just something to behold.