Originally posted by SC:

I have yet to visit Ground Zero.
As many haven't, and for various reasons. I won't tell anybody they should go there; it's personal. For three years after the attack, I worked in downtown Manhattan. I was constantly reminded of the day and many days I passed by Ground Zero. You become used to to seeing it, but never used to why it happened and the enormity of it.

Several months after the PATH train station reopened at Ground Zero, I had occasion to take the train from Hoboken to the WTC station. What I experienced was numbing. The train entered Ground Zero at the original tube entrance, but it was now exposed to Ground Zero. You were looking into the void of the WTC. I truly felt I was on hallow (holy) ground. It was like a punch in the stomach and a thump on the head. I was witnessing the gravesite of thousands of people.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12