Originally posted by MaryCas:
Whatever your participation or rememberance, share your thoughts here.
Good idea, MC.

Have five years passed already? Sometimes it feels like its been a lot longer than that but mostly it seems like only a short, few weeks ago. Sometimes I fear I'll never forget seeing the inhumanity done that day but mostly I pray I'll always remember the City's response.

I have yet to visit Ground Zero. I used to go down there to watch the construction when the Towers were being built in the late 60's/early 70's. Being a traditionalist I didn't like the fact that these new buildings would take the "tallest" title form the Empire State Building (my favorite skyscraper) but now I can't envision the City without them.

I had to drive into lower Manhattan one day this past winter and after exiting the Battery Tunnel I purposely stayed to the extreme left (and not looking to the right) so as not to see what was going on there. I can't bear to see the former sight of the buildings knowing that so many people died there. I know one day I'll visit but I'm just not ready yet.

I won't pollute this thread with my thoughts about the terrorists (and I hope others don't either) but I will say they perversely brought this City together as its never been before.

More to come later.
