Thanks to ALL of you who took the time to extend these congratulations to me.

Sicilian Babe - Now tell me, where did I get my famous sicilian temper from? And that big heart just like you have? Same place you did? I may be the Santino of the boards, but you are definitely the Costanzia of the gangsterbb, so maybe they should fear you! Thanks Sis!

De Niro - Thank you very much. I've always liked your posts.

Klydon - In such a short time you've managed to gain the respect of many members here and I've really grown to enjoy your posts.

xXx DC xXx - You pain in the ass! :p Here I thought that I slipped by without anyone noticing that I had reached and surpassed my 9000th post, and you had to bring it up! Someday my friend, we will finally meet and we'll discuss Jack Bauer over a couple of drinks!

Mama Mig - What can I say that already hasn't been said. You are a really good friend and I thank you for always being you! Oh, and you're a Great MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

DMC- You've also been a loyal friend and confidant. Whatever you do, just keep listening to what I tell you and forget all the stuff that Geoff's been teaching you. You're a great guy DMC.

Goombah - Well it takes a man of values to notice those same kind of traits in others. Thank you for your sincere words. I appreciate it.

Fame - Great job! Don't sell yourself short. Someday, and that day may never come, I may call upon you to take over the "cut to" scenes posts. But until that day I'll consider this a gift from my Godfather.

DoubleJ - What am I going to do with you? Just when I think I've pulled you out of posting those arrogant cartoons, you go right back in! Your a smart man JJ, and it's nice to see the younger men such as yourself retain the passion and love that you seem to have for politics. Now keep up the educated and factual posts - MINUS those cartoons!

Signor Vitelli - One of the finest gentleman that I've had the pleasure of meeting in a very long time. In the short time that I've known you I've learned what a well informed and fun guy you really are. Thank you my friend.

Don Malta - Mio Padrino. It's been an honor and a pleasure to be a member of your boards. When a man such as yourself does such a great job providing a fun place like this, how could one not want to help you out? It's my honor to help you with these boards. ( Now who's gonna moderate me?)

Turnbull - A Man's Man. A real mensch! I always look forward to reading your fantastic posts, and it is I who am honored to have you as a friend. ( oh, the old man at the wedding? That's Nazorine's father, just in case you didn't know.) LOL!

AFS - My world politics debator and educator. I know that when you and I get involved in a discussion about the world, I can always depend on you to tell it like it is and at the same time educate me in the things that I may not know about your culture. But what I admire most about you is the fact that you remain resilient and at the same time know when to gracefully bow out. I have a lot of respect for you Afs!

TIS- What can one say about a someone who always presents herself as a lady, be it in person, on the boards or in discussions? I am sincerely glad that I have been able to be in your presence a few times over the last 2 years. Your a good Godmother.

Don Sicilia - Don Sicilia, Don Sicilia. What have I ever done to make you Respect me this way? I really hope that we can meet up again someday. You are a true gentleman.

Just Me- A fellow Al Pacino fan. Of course you reasons for liking Pacino will never conflict with my reasons! LOL! Thanks for taking the time to congratulate me.


Don "Your Santino" Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.