CUT TO: On top of an American building. A 9k cake for Don Cardione is wheeled toward him and a small group of GBBers. The cake has the American flag on it.


I hope my post number is correct -- I'm always accurate about my post number. Make sure that everyone sees the cake before we cut it. I'm very pleased you were all able to come from such distances to be with me today. When a man comes to this point in his life -- he wants to turn over the things that he's been blessed with -- turn them over to friends. As a reward for the friends he's had -- and to make sure everything goes well after he's gone.


Not for years.


Hear! Hear!


Well, we'll see; the libs would disagree, but what do they know? These are wonderful things that we've achieved in Phili -- and there's no limit to where we can go from here. This kind of forum knows how to help encourage it -- the threads here are bigger and swankier than any of the rug joints we've seen in Cyberspace --

[ FRANCO brings over a piece of cake but DON CARDIONE rejects it.]

Bigger piece.

(then, to the GBBers)

You all know TIS-- and we all remember her family. At the time of my retirement -- or death -- I turn over all my interests in the BLUE-DRINKS operation --




-- to her control. But -- all of you will share. My Wall of Gangster Pictures will go to SC. My Godfather dress shirts will go to the DMC boy. My Scarface dress shirt to the Malta Family. And most important, my beloved GF Bobbleheads to Don Smitty. And we've saved a piece for some friends in Nevada, to make sure things go smooth back home. I want all of you to enjoy your cake -- so, enjoy.


Happy 9k!


DC, since you're the one with all the funny "cut-to" scenes, I thought I'll try one to honor this occasion. I know its not up to your standards, yours are much funnier, but I tried

I am honored and grateful to be at your 9K-- party...

...and I hope that your first grandchild be a masculine child. I pledge my ever-ending loyalty. --

[Playing kids run into the room and then are escorted out by PLAW]

(then, as Fame hands Don Cardione a cash-filled envelope)

For your bet on Ice Cream in the first.

Don Cardione, I'm gonna end this post now, because I know you are busy.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)