I've never been wild when people what to make a direct comparison between the current situation in Iraq and the American Revolution. Save for the concept that its a foreign imperial power fighting a domestic guerilla army, they're pretty damn different.

If anything, its like trying to compare Iraq to Vietnam as well. Yes, America is bogged down in a foreign, hostile country against an insurgent domestic force that used guerilla war. But unlike Vietnam, our opposition itself is fighting each other while shooting and blowing us up.

Nor was the NVA's actions fueled by religious extremism, or ancient sectarian bitchings and pissyness that's been brewing for centuries.

Except Don CArdi, you're wrong. You try to make it sound like that this is an unconventional war that we've never fought before. Let me guess, we're in World War III now, right?

Fact is, Americans have had to deal with terrorism within our borders before, from the fears of Nazi German and later Communist saboteurs/double agents. Then there was the Weathermen, and their fetish for blowing shit up. Fuck, nevermind those SLA crazy people in California.

Of course, those threats weren't as massive in possible scale or from an organized international terror network, but fact is, America has battled terrorism before...KICKED ass.