Honestly, and I'm not being sarcastic, negative, or just trying to stir the pot, but I'm just wondering if anyone is enjoying the History Channel's "Revolution" series a much as I am? One thing I notice about this series, though, is the similarities between the American colonial army and these Muslim terrorists. Granted, our cause for independenct fom taxation without representation seems far nobler than Al Qaida's beliefs, you have to see it from a neutral point of view. These fanatical, religious people believe that their cause is just a noble. The British viewed the American style of war, hiding behind trees and taking cover in battle rather than marching in an open field, as a form of terrorism, just as we view attacking innocent civilians as a modern form of terrorism, and rightly so. The only thing that concerns me is how do we learn from history. My old high school history teacher had a cliched saying about how if you don't learn from the past, you're bound to repeat it. The British were a global power in those days, but the Americans changed the way in which war was fought. At first, it was met with criticism and scorn due it's cowardice, but eventually people realized its ingenuity due to the amount of lives it saved. Nearly 250 years later, America is a superpower who has been humbled by a new style of attack that is viewed in the same manner as the American colonists were viewed by the British. It seems silly to compare the two, but think about how each group viewed themselves. Regardless of how you view modern day terrorists, and I doubt that there are many here who view them as heroes, but they view themselves in this manner. I would guess that many British viewed Washington, Franklin, Arnold, etc. as psychopaths who were complete fucks, just as we view current terrorists. How do we learn from their mistakes? The thing that doomed the British was the fact they continued to fight a convential war of the times against forces that obviously had no intention of fighting back in this manner.

Again, I'm not typing this to be a smart ass of prove some point about how my political party is somehow superior to any other. I'm one of those rare Americans who actually thinks for himself and doesn't just follow what my political leaders have told me to think. There is absolutely no sarcasm intended in this post, so if anyone reads any into it, please don't interpret it as such. I have very little experience in dealing with such manners, so this is just my reaction to the current war in the Middle East. I'm guessing there are members of this board who possess more knowledge than I on the subject, so I am welcoming opinions as to why I am wrong to draw this comparison between the two wars.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.