When it comes to conspiracy theories I tend not dismiss them straight away, I always read or listen to what they say and then make a judgement call. Ice's comments, which I'm sure he thinks are perfectly credible, are a pile of shit.

And I'm afraid I must agree with Don Cardi in that using the names of various members of this board to put forward his theories, not matter how frivolously done, is despicable

There are lots of 9/11 conspiracy theories out there. Maybe Osama masterminded the whole thing, maybe it was Dubya, maybe it was Clinton. Hell, maybe it was Regis and Kathie Lee. Whoever was responsible, thousands of people lost their lives that day and for some nimrod to post a bunch of shit like that on this board completely defecates on their memories.

There, I've vented my spleen now. Forgive me everybody for this rare burst of profanity, but Ice, go fuck yourself.

"I'm sorry if your stepmother is a nympho but I don't see what this has to do with, uh... do you have any Kalhua?"