That was indeed a fantastic sentence!
Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Would you shake hands with a guy who's just been for a shit and didn't wash his hands? I wouldn't. And so I wouldn't like to sit down on a seat he's just sat on to shit in either.
You don't have to eat with your ass. You don't touch somebody with your ass. You don't wash your face with your ass. You don't smell your ass.

All things I do with my hands.

That said, I have to admit I go to public toilets like in the army, I cover the seat with toilet paper. And for number one, I hold in my breath, something that only works if I didn't drink too much.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.