I know as of late I have watched TV shows more than I normally do and that's because I'm off from school and I'm only working part-time. So I'm taking full advantage now. So far this summer I've seen:

-Buffy Season 1
-Buffy Season 2
-Deadwood Season 1
-Deadwood Season 2
-The Boondocks Season 1
-Zatoichi the TV series (currently watching)
-Party of Five Season 1 (currently watching)

So I've decided to make this thread for anyone who's seen any of these shows and wishes to discuss them or other shows. So I guess I'll start first.

Buffy Seasons 1 & 2 so far have been pretty stupid. I've been told that after Season 2 it gets better which is the only reason I've watching both seasons or I would have quit a long time ago. Towards the end of Season 2,the show started to get better.

Deadwood Season 1 was pretty good but I thought Season 2 was about as good as Season 4 of the Sopranos.

The Boondocks surprisingly was quite enjoyable and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.

The biggest surprise has been Party of Five. I think I watched 1 or 2 episodes when they aired back in the late 1990s but never watched anymore from then on. I remember it being pretty good so I wanted to start from the beginning and thus far I haven't been disappointed.